




Q Q:3136378118









Q Q:3136378118




PIC电源电压过低参数\u SigLatched Bit 31联系技术支持。E 7709 4检测到系统错误:接收到的数据数量无效参数\u SIGLACKED Bit 31请联系技术支持。E 770A 2 PIC接收到奇偶校验参数不正确的数据\u SIGLACKED Bit 31请联系技术支持。E 7800 1 eSM模块:检测到系统错误:class 1强制参数错误\u Siglached Bit 23 E 7801 2 eSM模块:检测到系统错误:class 2强制参数错误\u Siglached Bit 23 E 7802 3 eSM模块:检测到系统错误:class 3强制参数错误\u Siglached Bit 23 E 7803 4 eSM模块:检测到系统错误:class 4强制参数错误\u Siglached Bit 23 E 7804 3eSM模块:快速停止参数减速不足\u SIGLATCH Bit 23驱动器的快速停止斜坡低于为eSM配置的快速停止斜坡。在eSM或驱动器中更改斜坡。E 7805 1 eSM模块:在安全操作停止(SOS)期间检测到错误参数\u SigLatched Bit 23安全操作停止(SOS)期间电机移动。当安全操作停止激活时(外力、负载),防止电机移动。E 7806 1 eSM模块:在机器操作模式设置模式参数中超过安全限制速度(SLS)\u SIGLACKED Bit 23延迟达到安全限制速度(SLS)过低或eSM减速斜坡过高。增加eSM控制安全限速(SLS)的延迟或减少eSM减速斜坡以达到安全限速(SLS)。E 780A 2 eSM模块:/紧急停止触发参数的ESTOP信号\u SigLatched Bit 23紧急停止激活。重置紧急停止。E 780B 0 eSM模块:未准备好故障复位参数\u WarnLatched Bit 23 eSM处于快速停止激活或故障反应激活或故障状态。等待eSM不再处于快速停止激活或故障反应激活或故障或重新启动驱动器的状态。E 780C 0 eSM模块:未准备好eSM禁用参数\u WarnLatched Bit 23安全模块eSM未处于工作状态操作已启用。eSM禁用要求安全模块eSM处于操作状态操作启用。E 780F 0 eSM模块:无法在此工作状态下写入参数\u WarnLatched Bit 23参数无法在此eSM状态下写入。更改eSM状态以写入此参数。E 7810 0 eSM模块:密码参数不正确\u WarnLatched Bit 23配置工具发送的密码与设备中存储的密码不同。发送存储的密码。E 7811 0 eSM模块:参数下载期间超时(加载默认值)参数\u WarnLatched Bit 23错误连接或EMC。验证接线(屏蔽)。
AS-S908-012使用流程 AS-S908-012使用流程 AS-S908-012使用流程
PIC voltage supply too low Parameter _SigLatched Bit 31 Contact Technical Support. E 7709 4 System error detected: Invalid numbers of data received Parameter _SigLatched Bit 31 Contact Technical Support. E 770A 2 PIC received data with incorrect parity Parameter _SigLatched Bit 31 Contact Technical Support. E 7800 1 eSM module: System error detected: Error of class 1 forced Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 E 7801 2 eSM module: System error detected: Error of class 2 forced Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 E 7802 3 eSM module: System error detected: Error of class 3 forced Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 E 7803 4 eSM module: System error detected: Error of class 4 forced Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 E 7804 3 eSM module: Insufficient deceleration for Quick Stop Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 Quick Stop ramp of drive lower than Quick Stop ramp configured for eSM. Change ramp in eSM or drive. E 7805 1 eSM module: Error detected during Safe Operating Stop (SOS) Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 Motor movement during Safe Operating Stop (SOS). Keep motor from moving while Safe Operating Stop is active (external forces, loads). E 7806 1 eSM module: Safely Limited Speed (SLS) exceeded in machine operating mode Setup Mode Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 Delay for reaching Safely Limited Speed (SLS) too low or eSM deceleration ramp too high. Increase delay for eSM control of Safely Limited Speed (SLS) or decrease eSM deceleration ramp for reaching Safely Limited Speed (SLS). E 780A 2 eSM module: /ESTOP signal for EMERGENCY STOP triggered Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 EMERGENCY STOP is active. Reset EMERGENCY STOP. E 780B 0 eSM module: Not ready for Fault Reset Parameter _WarnLatched Bit 23 eSM is in state Quick Stop Active or Fault Reaction Active or Fault. Wait until eSM is no longer in state Quick Stop Active or Fault Reaction Active or Fault or reboot the drive. E 780C 0 eSM module: Not ready for eSM Disable Parameter _WarnLatched Bit 23 Safety module eSM is not in operating state Operation Enabled. eSM Disable requires the safety module eSM to be in operating state Operation Enabled. E 780F 0 eSM module: Parameter cannot be written in this operating state Parameter _WarnLatched Bit 23 Parameter cannot be written in this eSM state. Change eSM state to write this parameter. E 7810 0 eSM module: Incorrect password Parameter _WarnLatched Bit 23 The password that was sent by the configuration tool is not identical to the password stored in the device. Send the stored password. E 7811 0 eSM module: Timeout during parameter download (default values loaded) Parameter _WarnLatched Bit 23 Incorrect connection or EMC. Verify wiring (shield).
