




Q Q:3136378118









Q Q:3136378118




eSM模块:输入状态信道A和信道B不相同参数\u SigLatched Bit 23断线或连接的设备不可用。验证接线和连接的设备。E 782A 2 eSM模块:输出状态信道A和信道B不相同参数\u SigLatched Bit 23对24V DC短路。检测到系统错误。验证接线和连接的设备。验证STO\u A和STO\u B的连接。联系技术支持。E 782B 3 eSM模块:检测到系统错误:检测到位置评估错误(值不相同)参数\u SIGLACKED Bit 23 CPU\u A和CPU\u B的位置值不同。这种情况可能是由编码器引起的。E 782C 3 eSM模块:检测到系统错误:检测到速度评估错误(值不相同)参数\u SIGLACKED Bit 23 CPU\u A和CPU\u B具有不同的速度值。这种情况可能是由编码器引起的。E 782F 2 eSM模块:检测到系统错误:在STO信号参数动态化过程中检测到错误\u SIGLACKED Bit 23 E 7833 0 eSM模块:检测到系统错误:EEPROM校验和不正确(加载的默认值)参数\u WARNLOCKED Bit 23 EEPROM不工作。E 7834 0 eSM模块:安全模块已更换(加载默认值)参数\u WarnLatched Bit 23此安全模块未配置此驱动器。参数已重置为默认值。重新配置安全模块。E 7835 4 eSM模块:换向位置参数\u SIGLACKED Bit 23编码器错误或检测到的驱动器内部通信错误(例如,EMC)。验证EMC。验证编码器连接。联系技术支持。E 7836 4 eSM模块:参数校验和不一致参数\u SigLatched Bit 23 CPU\u A的参数与CPU\u B的参数不一致。无法将参数加载到安全模块eSM中。重试将参数加载到安全模块eSM中。如果问题仍然存在,请联系技术支持。E 7837 0 eSM模块:检测到系统错误:引导程序:地址参数无效\u WarnLatched Bit 23引导加载程序对闪存范围的写入访问无效。E 7838 1 eSM模块:在机器工作模式自动模式参数中超过安全限制速度(SLS)\u SigLatched Bit 23驱动速度大于配置的eSM速度限制。降低驱动器速度或验证机器运行模式自动模式的eSM速度限制。E 7839 2 eSM模块:输入ESMSTART low而不是high(自动启动)参数\u SigLatched Bit 23 ESMSTART配置为自动启动,启动时必须为high。验证ESMSTART的参数配置。验证ESMSTART的接线。E 783A 2 eSM模块:输入ESMSTART high而不是low(手动启动)参数\u SigLatched Bit 23 ESMSTART配置为手动启动,启动时必须为low。验证ESMSTART的参数配置。验证ESMSTART的接线。E 783B 2 eSM模块:防护门确认:确认信号可用时间过长。参数\u SIGLACKED Bit 23确认信号可用时间超过6秒。确认信号的可用时间必须少于6秒。
AS-S908-111适用范围 AS-S908-111适用范围 AS-S908-111适用范围
eSM module: Input states channel A and channel B are not identical Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 Wire break or connected devices are inoperable. Verify wiring and connected devices. E 782A 2 eSM module: Output states channel A and channel B are not identical Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 Short circuit to 24V DC. System error detected. Verify wiring and connected devices. Verify connection of STO_A and STO_B. Contact Technical Support. E 782B 3 eSM module: System error detected: Position evaluation error detected (values not identical) Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 CPU_A and CPU_B have different position values. This condition may have been caused by the encoder. E 782C 3 eSM module: System error detected: Velocity evaluation error detected (values not identical) Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 CPU_A and CPU_B have different velocity values. This condition may have been caused by the encoder. E 782F 2 eSM module: System error detected: Error detected during dynamization of STO signal Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 E 7833 0 eSM module: System error detected: EEPROM incorrect checksum (default values loaded) Parameter _WarnLatched Bit 23 EEPROM inoperative. E 7834 0 eSM module: Safety module replaced (default values loaded) Parameter _WarnLatched Bit 23 This safety module has not been configured with this drive. The parameters have been reset to the default values. Reconfigure the safety module. E 7835 4 eSM module: Commutation position Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 Encoder error or error in internal communication with the drive detected (for example, EMC). Verify EMC. Verify encoder connection. Contact Technical Support. E 7836 4 eSM module: Parameter checksums not identical Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 Parameter of CPU_A is not identical to parameter of CPU_B. Not possible to load parameters into safety module eSM. Retry loading the parameters into the safety module eSM. If the condition persists, contact Technical Support. E 7837 0 eSM module: System error detected: Boot program: Invalid address Parameter _WarnLatched Bit 23 Invalid write access of bootloader to flash memory range. E 7838 1 eSM module: Safely Limited Speed (SLS) exceeded in machine operating mode Automatic Mode Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 Drive velocity greater than configured eSM speed limit. Reduce velocity of the drive or verify eSM speed limit for machine operating mode Automatic Mode. E 7839 2 eSM module: Input ESMSTART low instead of high (automatic start) Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 ESMSTART is configured for automatic start and must be high at start. Verify parameter configuration of ESMSTART. Verify wiring of ESMSTART. E 783A 2 eSM module: Input ESMSTART high instead of low (manual start) Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 ESMSTART is configured for manual start and must be low at start. Verify parameter configuration of ESMSTART. Verify wiring of ESMSTART. E 783B 2 eSM module: Guard door acknowledgment: The acknowledgement signal is available for too long a time. Parameter _SigLatched Bit 23 The acknowledgement signal is available for more than 6 seconds. The acknowledgement signal must be available for less than 6 seconds.
