




Q Q:3136378118









Q Q:3136378118





本手册旨在描述称重传感器的一般功能和设计,并作为安装、调试、预防性维护和故障跟踪的指南。1.2网络安全免责声明本产品旨在通过应连接到安络的网络接口进行连接和通信数据和信息。负责网络管理的个人或实体全权负责确保与网络的安全连接,并采取必要措施(例如但不限于安装firew@KKs应用身份验证措施、数据加密、安装防病毒程序等),以保护产品和网络及其系统和接口,防止任何类型的安全漏洞、未经授权的访问、干扰、入侵、泄漏和/或数据或信息被盗。ABB不对任何此类损害和/或损失负责。1.3处置和回收1.3.1环境政策ABB致力于其环境政策。通过应用可回收性和生命周期分析的结果,我们不断努力使我们的产品更加环保。产品、制造过程以及物流的设计考虑了环境因素。我们的环境管理体系通过ISO 14001认证,是执行我们环境政策的工具。但是,客户有责任确保遵守当地法律。Pressductor枕木称重传感器,水平测量PFTL 101,用户手册1简介3BSE009965R0401 en Rev F 5 1.3.2回收电气和电子设备,WEEE产品和/或随附文件上划掉的轮式垃圾箱符号表示使用过的电气和电子设备(WEEE)不应与一般生活垃圾混合。如果您希望在欧盟弃用电气和电子设备(EEE),请联系您的经销商或供应商以获取更多信息。在欧盟以外的地区,请联系当地政府或经销商,并询问正确的处置方法。正确处置本产品将有助于节省宝贵资源,并防止因废物处理不当而对人类健康和环境造成的任何潜在负面影响。1.3.3回收运输材料ABB将所有运输材料设计为在可行的情况下可回收。运输材料的回收取决于材料类型和当地回收计划的可用性。将系统接收到现场后,必须拆除包装和运输锁。根据当地法规回收运输材料。1.3.4产品处置处置产品时,应根据当地法规将其拆除并回收组件。产品的拆卸和回收根据当地法规拆卸和回收产品部件。注意:一些部件很重!执行系统拆卸的人员必须具备处理重型部件的必要知识和技能,以避免发生事故和受伤的风险称重传感器:这些部件由结构钢制成,可根据当地说明进行回收。在回收材料之前,必须拆除所有辅助设备,如电缆或软管。
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The purpose of this manual is to describe the general function and design of the load cells and also to be a guidance at installation, commissioning, preventive maintenance and fault tracing. 1.2 Cyber Security Disclaimer This product has been designed to be connected and communicate data and information via a network interface which should be connected to a secure network. It is the sole responsibility of the person or entity responsible for network administration to ensure a secure connection to the network and to take the necessary measures (such as, but not limited to, installation of firew@KKs application of authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of antivirus programs, etc.) to protect the product and the network, its system and interface included, against any kind of security breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information. ABB is not liable for any such damages and/or losses. 1.3 Disposal and Recycling 1.3.1 Environmental Policy ABB is committed to its environmental policy. We strive continuously to make our products environmentally more sound by applying results obtained in recyclability and life cycle analyses. Products, manufacturing process as well as logistics have been designed taking into account the environmental aspects. Our environmental management system, certified to ISO 14001, is the tool for carrying out our environmental policy. However it is on the customer’s responsibility to ensure that local legislation is followed. Pressductor PillowBlock Load Cells, Horizontal Measuring PFTL 101, User Manual 1 Introduction 3BSE009965R0401 en Rev F 5 1.3.2 Recycling Electrical and Electronic Equipment, WEEE The crossed – out wheeled bin symbol on the product(s) and / or accompanying documents means that used electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) should not be mixed with general household waste. If you wish to discard electrical and electronic equipment (EEE), in the European Union, please contact your dealer or supplier for further information. Outside of the European Union, contact your local authorities or dealer and ask for the correct method of disposal. Disposing of this product correctly will help save valuable resources and prevent any potential negative effects on human health and the environment, which could otherwise arise from inappropriate waste handling. 1.3.3 Recycling the Transport Material ABB designs all transport material to be recyclable where practical. The recycling of the transport material depends on the material type and availability of local recycling programs. After receiving the system into the site, the package and the transportation locking have to be removed. Recycle the transport material according to local regulations. 1.3.4 Disposal of the Product When the product is to be disposed, it should be dismantled and the components recycled according to local regulations. Dismantling and Recycling of the Product Dismantle and recycle the components of the product according to local regulations. CAUTION Some of the components are heavy! The person who performs the dismantling of the system must have the necessary knowledge and skills to handle heavy components to avoid the risk of accidents and injury from occurring. • Load cell: These parts are made of structural steel, which can be recycled according to local instructions. All the auxiliary equipment, such as cabling or hoses must be removed before recycling the material.

