




Q Q:3136378118









Q Q:3136378118





完整的测量系统通常由两个称重传感器、一个接线盒、一个带有两个测量通道的控制单元和电缆组成。A B和A+B差A-B称重传感器接线盒控制单元称重传感器电缆适配器板PFXC 141输出信号图1。完整测量系统1.4.2测力传感器PFTL 101测力传感器安装在滚动轴承下方,用于测量平行于安装表面的力。来自腹板/带材的反作用力与腹板/带材张力成比例,通过轧辊和轴承传递到称重传感器。称重传感器通过接线盒连接到控制单元。控制单元将称重传感器信号转换为与反作用力成比例的直流电压。根据选择的控制单元,可以获得两个单独称重传感器(A和B)的模拟信号、称重传感器信号的总和(A+B)和/或称重传感器信号之间的差值(A-B)。压力导管枕木称重传感器,水平测量PFTL 101,用户手册1简介3BSE009965R0401 en Rev F 7 1.4.3测量原理称重传感器仅测量FR方向上的力。测量力可以为正或负。称重传感器通常安装在滚动轴承下方。当卷上有张力的腹板/带材时,张力(T)产生两个力分量,一个在称重传感器(FR)的测量方向,另一个在直角(FV)处。测量力取决于张力(T)和测量辊周围的腹板/带材形成的包角之间的关系。T T T FV W a p包裹角,如图2所示。带力矢量的测量辊压力传感器枕木称重传感器,水平测量PFTL 101,用户手册1简介8 3BSE009965R0401 en Rev F 2说明2.1概述PFTL 101系列称重传感器有六种不同的测量范围,从0.5到20 kN,两种不同的尺寸(见2.2技术数据)。每个称重传感器都经过单独校准和温度补偿。称重传感器通常用六个螺钉安装并固定在底座和轴承箱上,四个螺钉位于称重传感器的一侧,两个螺钉位于另一侧。对于PFTL 101型的所有称重传感器,称重传感器室由单个钢块加工而成。然后将传感器焊接到称重传感器室中,并进行定向,以使其在测量方向上对力敏感,在其他方向上对力不敏感。PFTL 101A、PFTL 101AE、PFTL 101B和PFTL 101BE型称重传感器由不锈钢制成。PFTL 101A和PFTL 101B配有用于可插拔连接电缆的连接器。PFTL 101AE和PFTL 101BE配有固定连接电缆。PFTL 101AER和PFTL 101BER型称重传感器专门设计用于腐蚀性环境中的安装。它们由耐酸不锈钢制成,还具有固定连接电缆。图纸中给出了所有称重传感器类型的尺寸。连接器或固定连接电缆测量方向如图3所示。称重传感器PFTL 101 A/AE/AER
3500-15-02-02-00实验数据 3500-15-02-02-00实验数据 3500-15-02-02-00实验数据
complete measuring system normally consists of two load cells, a junction box, one control unit with two measurement channels and cabling. A B SUM A+B DIFFERENCE A-B Load cell Junction box Control unit Load cell cabling Adapter plates PFXC 141 Output signals Figure 1. Complete Measuring System 1.4.2 Loads cells PFTL 101 The load cells are installed under the roll bearings, where they measure forces parallel to the mounting surface. The reactive force from the web/strip, which is proportional to the web/strip tension, is transferred to the load cells via the roll and the bearings The load cells are connected to the control unit via a junction box. The control unit converts the load cell signals to DC voltages that are proportional to the reaction force. Depending on which control unit is chosen, it is possible to have the analog signals for the two individual load cells (A and B), the sum of the load cell signals (A+B), and/or the difference between the load cell signals (A-B). Pressductor PillowBlock Load Cells, Horizontal Measuring PFTL 101, User Manual 1 Introduction 3BSE009965R0401 en Rev F 7 1.4.3 Principle of Measurement The load cell only measures force in the direction FR. The measurement force may be positive or negative. The load cell is normally installed under the roll bearings. When there is a web/strip in tension over the roll, the tension (T) gives rise to two force components, one in the direction of measurement of the load cell (FR) and one at right angles (FV ). The measuring force depends on the relationship between the tension (T) and the wrap angle formed by the web/strip around the measuring roll. T T FR FV W a p an Wrap angle Figure 2. Measuring roll with Force Vectors Pressductor PillowBlock Load Cells, Horizontal Measuring PFTL 101, User Manual 1 Introduction 8 3BSE009965R0401 en Rev F 2 Description 2.1 General The load cells in the PFTL 101 family are available in six different measuring ranges from 0.5 to 20 kN and two different sizes (see 2.2 Technical Data). Each load cell is individually calibrated and temperature compensated. The load cells are usually mounted and fixed to a base and a bearing housing with six screws, four on one side of the load cells and two on the opposite side. For all load cells of type PFTL 101 the load cell house is machined from a single block of steel. A sensor is then welded into the load cell house and oriented so that it is sensitive to force in the direction of measurement and insensitive in other directions. The load cell types PFTL 101A, PFTL 101AE, PFTL 101B and PFTL 101BE are made of stainless steel. PFTL 101A and PFTL 101B are equipped with a connector for the pluggable connection cable. PFTL 101AE and PFTL 101BE are equipped with a fixed connection cable. Load cell types PFTL 101AER and PFTL 101BER are specially designed for installation in corrosive environment. They are made of acid resistant stainless steel and they also have a fixed connection cable. Dimensions for all load cell types are given in A Drawings. Connector or fixed connection cable Measuring direction Figure 3. Load cells PFTL 101 A/AE/AER
