




Q Q:3136378118









Q Q:3136378118




安装说明机架安装1。根据10页的安装注意事项,选择并准备适当的安装位置。2、使用标准机架安装硬件将设备安装在机架中(驱动器入口朝外)。3、将电源线的一端连接到电源插座,另一端连接到正确接地的115/230 VAC、50-60 Hz插座。4、打开电源。系统将启动到已安装的操作系统。通过软盘驱动器或CD-ROM安装应用软件。图2-19。安装机架安装硬件带滑轨的机架安装1。将设备放置在坚固的工作面上,并断开所有电缆和跳线与设备的连接。2、将提供的Xycom滑轨(按订单号1600–RMS单独订购)连接到装置上(见图2–20)。3、使用标准机架安装硬件将装置牢固安装在机架中,使驱动器检修门朝外。将导轨安装螺钉扭转至35 in/lbs.5。重新连接所有电缆和跳线。15带奔腾4的1600系列2章-安装图2-20。安装可选的滑轨系统电源在1600的输入交流电源线上使用隔离变压器总是一个好主意。在重型设备可能会在交流线路上引入噪声的情况下,尤其需要使用隔离变压器。隔离变压器也可用作降压变压器,以将进线电压降低至所需水平。变压器应具有足够的额定功率(单位为伏安),以充分供应负载。正确接地对于所有安全的电气装置至关重要。请参阅相关的联邦、州、省和地方电气规范,这些规范提供了电气部件安全接地所需的导线尺寸和类型、颜色代码和连接等数据。该规范规定,接地路径必须是性的(无焊料)、连续的,并且能够在系统中以小阻抗安全地传导接地故障电流(所需的小导线为18 AWG,1 mm)。遵守以下做法:在外壳入口点将地线(P.E.或保护接地)与电源线分开。为尽量减少外壳内的地线长度,将接地参考点定位在工厂电源入口附近。所有电气机架或底盘和机器元件应在预计会产生高电气噪声的安装中接地。用接地棒将机箱接地,或连接到附近的接地结构上,如钢支撑梁。每个不同的设备应连接到具有低阻抗电缆的“星形”配置中的单个接地点。从机箱与外壳接触的区域刮去油漆和其他不导电材料。除了通过安装螺栓或螺柱进行接地连接外,还应使用一英寸的金属编织物或尺寸为#8 AWG的电线连接每个机箱和安装螺栓或螺柱处的外壳。
CP70使用区域 CP70使用区域 CP70使用区域
Mounting Instructions Rack Mounting 1. Select and prepare an appropriate mounting location according to the Mounting Considerations on page 10. 2. Install the unit in the rack (with drive access facing outward) using the standard rack-mounting hardware. 3. Attach one end of the power cord to the power receptacle and the other end to a properly grounded 115/230 VAC, 50-60 Hz outlet. 4. Turn on the power. The system will boot up to the installed operating system. 5. Install application software via a floppy drive or CD-ROM. Figure 2–19. Installing Rack Mounting Hardware Rack Mounting with Slide Rails 1. Place the unit on a solid work surface and disconnect all cables and cords from the unit. 2. Attach the provided Xycom slide rails (ordered separately by order number 1600–RMS) to the unit (see Figure 2–20). 3. Install the unit securely in the rack with standard rack-mounting hardware so that the drive access door faces outward. 4. Torque the rail-mounting screws to 35 in/lbs. 5. Reconnect all cables and cords. 15 1600 Series with Pentium 4 Chapter 2 – Installation Figure 2–20. Installing Optional Slide Rails System Power It is always a good idea to use isolation transformers on the incoming AC power line to the 1600. An isolation transformer is especially desirable in cases where heavy equipment is likely to introduce noise onto the AC line. The isolation transformer can also serve as a step-down transformer to reduce the incoming line voltage to a desired level. The transformer should have a sufficient power rating (units of volt-amperes) to supply the load adequately. Proper grounding is essential to all safe electrical installations. Refer to the relevant Federal, State, Provincial, and local electric codes that provide data such as the size and types of conductors, color codes and connections necessary for safe grounding of electrical components. The code specifies that a grounding path must be permanent (no solder), continuous, and able to safely conduct the ground-fault current in the system with minimal impedance (minimum wire required is 18 AWG, 1 mm). Observe the following practices:  Separate ground wires (P.E. or Protective Earth) from power wires at the point of entry to the enclosure. To minimize the ground wire length within the enclosure, locate the ground reference point near the point of entry for the plant power supply.  All electrical racks or chassis and machine elements should be Earth Grounded in installations where high levels of electrical noise are expected. Ground the chassis with a ground rod or attach to a nearby Earth structure such as a steel support beam. Each different apparatus should be connected to a single Earth Ground point in a “star” configuration with low impedance cable. Scrape away paint and other nonconductive material from the area where a chassis makes contact with the enclosure. In addition to the ground connection made through the mounting bolt or stud, use a one-inch metal braid or size #8 AWG wire to connect between each chassis and the enclosure at the mounting bolt or stud.
