




Q Q:3136378118









Q Q:3136378118




表1:。NI提供的PXI Express机箱范围从4个插槽到18个插槽,系统带宽高达24GB/s。加粗的机箱反映了NI针对每个尺寸和性能层的建议选项。机箱总插槽混合插槽仅PXIe插槽仅PXI插槽系统带宽插槽带宽插槽冷却容量2电源类型冗余硬件PXIe-10955 18 5 11+1 ST1 0 24 GB/s 8 GB/s 82 W AC Yes4 PXIe-1086 18 16 1 ST1 0 12 GB/s 4 GB/s 38 W AC Yes3 PXIe-1085(24 GB/s)18 16 1 ST1 0 24 GB/s 8 GB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-1085 18 16 1 ST1 0 12 GB/s 4 GB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-10846 18 0 4 GB/s500 MB/s 58 W AC No PXIe-1075 18 8 8+1 ST1 0 4 GB/s 1 GB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-1066DC 18 4 3+1 ST1 9 3 GB/s 1 GB/s 38 W DC Yes3 PXIe-1065 18 4 3+1 ST1 9 3 GB/s 1 GB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-10925 107 7 1 ST1 0 24 GB/s 8 GB/s 82 W AC No PXIe-1088 9 8 0 8 GB/s 2 GB/s 8 W AC No PXIe-1078 9 3 0 1.75 GB/s 250MB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-1082 8 4 2+1 ST1 0 8 GB/s 2 GB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-1082DC 8 4 2+1 ST10 8 GB/s 2 GB/s 38 W DC No PXIe-1062Q 8 2 1 ST1 4 3 GB/s 1 GB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-10739 5 3 2 0 250 MB/s 250 MB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-1071 4 0 0 3 GB/s 1 GB/s 38 W AC No 1 ST=系统计时2插槽冷却容量指示每个外围插槽中的冷却容量,但可能仍然需要对整个系统进行功率预算。有关可用系统电源和操作环境的更多详细信息,请参阅规范文档。3产品包含冗余风扇和电源,以实现高可用性应用程序的热插拔更换4 PXIe-1095提供两个热插拔电源。PXIe-1095装运套件包括一个电源;如果需要,必须单独购买第二个电源。要在每个插槽中消耗82 W的功率,需要两个电源。对于完全由每个功耗高达38 W的模块组成的应用程序,只需要一个电源–第二个电源对于此类应用程序是多余的。5 PXIe-1095和PXIe-1092在购买时提供可选的定时和同步升级,包括集成的炉控晶体振荡器(OCXO),以提高时钟精度以及外部时钟和触发器路由。6 PXIe-1084在购买时提供可选的定时和同步升级,包括外部时钟和触发器路由。7 PXIe-1092在插槽10中包括一个额外的外围扩展插槽,该插槽没有PXI Express连接,但可以为多插槽模块供电。有关更多详细信息,请参阅用户手册。8 PXIe-1088在三个插槽中支持2 GB/s的专用带宽,在五个插槽中支持500 MB/s的专用带宽。9 PXIe-1073包括一个集成的MXI Express控制器,不需要额外的PXI控制器
PXI-4461使用说明 PXI-4461使用说明 PXI-4461使用说明
Table 1. NI offers PXI Express chassis ranging from four to 18 slots and up to 24GB/s of system bandwidth. Bolded chassis reflect NI’s recommended options for each size and performance tier. Chassis Total Slots Hybrid Slots PXIe-Only Slots PXI-Only Slots System Bandwidth Slot Bandwidth Slot Cooling Capacity2 Power Supply Type Redundant HW PXIe-10955 18 5 11 + 1 ST1 0 24 GB/s 8 GB/s 82 W AC Yes4 PXIe-1086 18 16 1 ST1 0 12 GB/s 4 GB/s 38 W AC Yes3 PXIe-1085 (24 GB/s) 18 16 1 ST1 0 24 GB/s 8 GB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-1085 18 16 1 ST1 0 12 GB/s 4 GB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-10846 18 17 0 0 4 GB/s 500 MB/s 58 W AC No PXIe-1075 18 8 8 + 1 ST1 0 4 GB/s 1 GB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-1066DC 18 4 3 + 1 ST1 9 3 GB/s 1 GB/s 38 W DC Yes3 PXIe-1065 18 4 3 + 1 ST1 9 3 GB/s 1 GB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-10925 107 7 1 ST1 0 24 GB/s 8 GB/s 82 W AC No PXIe-1088 9 8 0 0 8 GB/s 2 GB/s8 58 W AC No PXIe-1078 9 5 3 0 1.75 GB/s 250MB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-1082 8 4 2 + 1 ST1 0 8 GB/s 2 GB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-1082DC 8 4 2 + 1 ST1 0 8 GB/s 2 GB/s 38 W DC No PXIe-1062Q 8 2 1 ST1 4 3 GB/s 1 GB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-10739 5 3 2 0 250 MB/s 250 MB/s 38 W AC No PXIe-1071 4 3 0 0 3 GB/s 1 GB/s 38 W AC No 1 ST = System Timing 2 Slot cooling capacity indicates the cooling capacity in each peripheral slot, but power budgeting may still be required for the full system. See the specifications document for more details regarding available system power and operating environment. 3 Product contains redundant fans and power supplies to enable hot-swappable replacement for high-availability applications 4 The PXIe-1095 offers two hot-swappable power supplies. The PXIe-1095 shipping kit includes one power supply; the second power supply must be purchased separately, if needed. To dissipate 82 W of power in every slot, both power supplies are required. For applications consisting entirely of modules dissipating up to 38 W each, only one power supply is required – a second power supply is redundant to such applications. 5 The PXIe-1095 and PXIe-1092 offer an optional timing and synchronization upgrade at time of purchase that includes an integrated oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) for increased clock accuracy as well as external clock and trigger routing. 6 The PXIe-1084 offers an optional timing and synchronization upgrade at time of purchase that includes external clock and trigger routing. 7 The PXIe-1092 includes an additional peripheral expansion slot in Slot 10, which does not have a PXI Express connection but can provide power for multi-slot modules. See the user manual for more details. 8 The PXIe-1088 supports 2 GB/s dedicated bandwidth in three slots and 500 MB/s in five slots. 9 The PXIe-1073 includes an integrated MXI-Express controller and does not require an additional PXI controller
